Intermittent Fasting for Today's Aging Woman Course & Community

We are a community of women who are using a MindSet approach to Intermittent Fasting...because the diet approach just DOES NOT WORK for us anymore.

You can reverse all of the pesky signs and symptoms of menopause in as little as 7 days.

No crazy diets.  No need to spend countless hours working out. You just need to learn how your aging body works. I teach you this during the first week of class.


Do hormonal changes have you feeling...?


✓ uncomfortable in your own skin 


✓ frustrated with how your body is changing as you age


âś“ unable to stay ahead of hormonal weight gain


âś“ is body fat accumulating on your body in new places


âś“ reducing your food consumption and increasing your exercise efforts with little to no success


✓ are you suffering from night sweats, hot flashes, leg cramps, fatigue, irritability


âś“ is brain fog an issue


✓ is insomnia a problem you can't fix on your own


I am ready!

Although all of those signs and symptoms of menopause are very common, we are not supposed to suffer in that way. Truth is, we aren't supposed to suffer at all. 


While you are in class, I will teach you everything I did to reverse all the signs and symptoms of menopause.

And yes, these symptoms can go away while you are in class.

Intermittent Fasting for Today's Aging Woman Course

A 3-week course with the education, training, and support you need to fast your way to more energy, better health, and the best you yet. From a menopausal woman, just like you.


How we age is our CHOICE.

Let's CHOOSE to age successfully.

We need to stop taking advice from people who don't understand what it feels like to be a menopausal woman in today's world.  

I am ready to choose how I age!!

Introducing the 

Intermittent Fasting for Today's Aging Woman Course

A course designed for today's aging woman by an aging woman.  Fasting is not a diet, it's a timing thing.

3 Weeks of Lessons and Support

Week 1


You will receive daily videos that teach you the ins and outs of intermittent fasting. You’ll learn why it works, how to practice intermittent fasting in your daily life, and get inspired to commit to your new lifestyle.

Week 2


Fasting is easy, feasting is hard. We’ll learn all about how to feast well for you, how to avoid common pitfalls, and how to identify foods that might not be working for you anymore. I teach you how to design your own feasting style.

Week 3


This isn’t a fad diet. Intermittent Fasting is a lifestyle that can be life-changing. This week is all about dealing with the social & emotional aspects of living an intermittent fasting lifestyle. How to navigate social pressures. 

Bonuses Included With Your Course Registration

• FREE Intermittent Fasting Journal & Guide

-supplemental support to help you while you are in class and as a graduate.

• FREE Intermittent Feasting Guide

- 44-page feasting guide. Family-friendly feasts. Easy to prepare. Everyday food. Budget-friendly.

Snag your Intermittent Fasting Guide and your course Intermittent Feasting Guide as soon as you register. You can start using the course guides today. 


• 365 Days of Access to Your Course Lessons

-because life happens.  I want you to have access to the content that got you the best results.  Feel free to review your course lessons as often as you like.

• An opportunity to UPGRADE to Lifetime Access to your course.



Registration Closes

Save your spot in class









Everything you need to LOOK and FEEL your best and LIVE YOUR MOST AUTHENTIC and for your Future Self

We've saved you a spot in class.

Register and Grab Your Course Downloads HERE!

All the tools you need to create your most authentic life with Intermittent Fasting.

•all course materials are available online via my web-site

•new lessons available each day

•daily email reminder when your new lesson is available

•you show up for class when it is convenient for you

•no social media needed

Meet Your Fasting Mindset  Coach

Hey, girlfriend! I’m Dy Ann, I just turned 57 and I am Post Menopausal – and I can’t wait for you to experience the power of Intermittent Fasting. 

I’ve worked in the health and fitness industry for over 30 years – I’m a Certified Nutrition Coach and a Running Coach – and I’ve seen the power of Intermittent Fasting in my life and the lives of thousands of other aging women just like us. 

A few years ago, as I entered into peri-menopause, I was diagnosed as a pre-diabetic and insulin resistant. I lived an incredibly healthy lifestyle – eating well and exercising regularly – but couldn’t control the hormones that were so out of balance. 

Then I discovered the power of Intermittent Fasting. I made the lifestyle switch and watched my insulin resistance disappear, my pre-diabetic diagnosis reverse, and my hormones balance themselves out. I was no longer plagued with fatigue. I felt more energetic than I had in years! I lost weight, body fat and my brain fog disappeared. I felt like myself again.

All thanks to creating an Intermittent Fasting lifestyle that I am still living today as a post-menopausal woman.

And now I help aging women (hey, as long as you’re alive, you’re aging, so you might as well age successfully!) feel their best. We aren't supposed to age the way society expects us to. There is a better way.

I can't wait to help you look and feel your best and live your most authentic life. This is the best way to age.  


I want Dy Ann to be my coach!

Comments from course members just after 1 week in class.

Shannon V.

"My victories: Overall body pain diminished-inflammation leaving, more evidence of ketosis- (energized sense of calm yay!), my emotions are more even, and no stomach issues. I would also add that the burden of guilt for lack of control and embarrassment for how I look is being replaced with hope and confidence that I can commit to IF and live the rest of my life without these destructive emotions."

Carol R.

"I so agree with the fasting isn’t the hard part.... it’s what is out of the fasting window. I am presently at work (7 pm to 7 am). We are short staffed so I am working this shift till a replacement for nights is hired. I have been so pleased with the results... blood pressure is down, down 6 lbs, sugar cravings are controlled"

Valerie P.

"A major benefit for me is that my skin is loving the is so smooth! Plus, my legs have far fewer dimples! I'm still enjoying less stiffness and pain in my joints due to decreased inflammation and my body really welcomes movement. I am really enjoying waking up and not being groggy. I have been successful in meeting my goal of 20-hour fasts for most of the week and want to work on better coordinating my feast time with family dinner time."

Over 8,000 women from all over the world have completed the Intermittent Fasting for Today’s Aging Woman course. 

They call themselves the Grads. I would love to have you become one of our proud Grads, too.

The Before & After Photos my graduates LOVE to share.

Carmen S Graduate

Carmen S.

2017 Intermittent Fasting for Today's Aging Woman Course Graduate

Peggy H Graduate

Peggy H.

July 2021 Intermittent Fasting for Today's Aging Woman Course Graduate

Dawn K Graduate

Dawn K.

September 2021 Intermittent Fasting for Today's Aging Woman Course Graduate

You deserve to look and feel your BEST and live your most authentic life!

Creating an Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle for yourself is the best and easiest way to reverse the signs of aging.

We should never have to miss Memory Making Moments with our loved ones because of how Menopause is making us look and feel. If we are not happy, we have the power to change it. It just takes a little time and consistency.

Do it for your Future Self. She deserves it.